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hey, I am Sarim 👋🏼

As an innovative Software Developer Engineer at Kubera Research, I specialize in creating tech-driven products using diverse technology stacks. From executing full-stack applications to solving innovative problems, I continually strive for technical excellence in my role.

my work

Kubera Research

Software Developer Engineer

  • Successfully developed multiple products using a diverse technology stack that included Typescript, Next.js, Tailwindcss, tRPC, Clerk, Drizzle ORM, and Cloudflare.
  • Implemented Next.js full-stack applications backed by Supabase, integrating it with TailwindCSS for user-friendly interface design.
  • Utilized Drizzle ORM for efficient mapping of object-oriented domain models to the database.
  • Leveraged Cloudflare for content delivery and mitigation of DDoS attacks.
  • Expanded skillset by creating additional Python-based products, embracing an agile mindset to learn new programming languages and technologies on-the-go.


Software Developer Intern

  • Improved database schema design in mongodb so as to increase efficiency of querying and reduce data redundancy.
  • Accomplished a rating system using React Native’s PanResponder API where a user can swipe or touch to rate a song, it keeps saving until a user has finally decided on a rating and also giving ability to cancel at any time.
  • Designed an artist tagging feature where an artists can credit another artist and it will link profile of respective artist while also checking whether tagged artist is an artist or not.
  • Performed a backend functionality where a check is kept whenever a subscription has ended, thereby alerting user to either subscribe again or to cancel.


Full Stack Intern

  • Analyzed and developed web application using NextJS with team of 5 UI developers; interacted with 2 Senior Project Managers to gather requirements for front-end development tasks.
  • Created a ToDo application using TerraJS to explain various concept of blockchain, such as transaction but making it simple of how a blockchain works.
  • Designed and developed a website so as to introduce the Stader team and also launch dates of various products of StaderLabs.
© 2024 Sarim Ahmed